Why Small Businesses Need a Website: 82% Get It Wrong

Here’s the truth. No fluff, no filler. This is going to hit you straight between the eyes. Ready? Go!

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But hey, if you’re in a rush, feel free to jump to the projects. No hard feelings. But if you’re curious why your small business might be limping along with that outdated website (or worse, no website), buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep.

Blah blah blah

That’s how most businesses sound on the web. Too much talking, too little meaning. It’s like when you hear that one guy at a party who keeps talking and talking, but you have no idea what he’s saying. You smile, you nod, but in your head, you’re planning your escape route. Annoying, right?

This happens more often than you think. Small businesses drone on, filled with jargon and business-y nonsense that requires brain energy most readers are unwilling to burn. And what’s the result? They bounce faster than a rubber ball on concrete. And guess what? Statistically speaking, this could be happening on your website — your home page, services page, LinkedIn profile, emails, blog posts, and even your social media. I’m just sayin’.

The Problem with Most Business Websites

Let me paint a picture for you. Imagine walking into a store. It’s dimly lit, nothing is clearly labeled, and when you finally find the checkout counter, there’s no one there to help you. Frustrating, right? Now imagine you’re online, and the website you land on feels just like that: outdated, hard to navigate, slow, and lacking in information. People don’t stick around. They bounce.

Even worse, this is your business's virtual storefront. If you wouldn’t let a customer walk into a dirty or confusing store, why let your website give off that same impression? The stakes are even higher online because visitors leave faster than they would in real life. It’s so easy to hit the ‘back’ button.

Quick fact: The average website visitor takes only 7 seconds to decide if they’re going to stay on your site or leave. Think of it like speed dating: If you don’t capture their attention immediately, they’re swiping left on you (and no one likes being swiped left on).

Now, take this one step further: In a brick-and-mortar store, you might be able to salvage the situation by personally engaging with a customer. But with a website? Nope. No personal intervention. That’s why your site needs to be crystal clear about what you offer — and why you’re the best option — right from the get-go.

Let’s Get Real: Common Website Sins

To save your website from becoming a ghost town, let’s talk about the common mistakes that businesses make:

1. No Clear Headline

Visitors land on your homepage, and they’re greeted with… what? A vague statement about how much your business loves its customers? Nah. What they really need is a crystal-clear headline that spells out exactly what your business does and how it will solve their problem.

2. Slow Load Times

Let’s be real. People have the attention span of a goldfish these days. If your website doesn’t load in under 3 seconds, your potential customers have already left. You don’t want a fancy homepage animation if it means people are bouncing before it even loads. Speed is key.

3. Too Much Jargon

If your website reads like an industry textbook, you’re alienating visitors. It’s like inviting someone to a party and speaking a language they don’t understand. Keep it simple, keep it friendly, and keep it human.

4. No Call to Action (CTA)

If visitors don’t know what to do next, they’ll leave. You’ve got to lead them by the hand and tell them what you want them to do. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or booking a consultation, make sure every page of your website has a clear CTA. And no, “Get inspired by our journey” is not a call to action. What are they supposed to do with that?

The Result? You’ve Turned Yourself into a Commodity.

You’ve positioned yourself as a commodity. A faceless brand floating in a sea of other faceless brands, all saying the same thing. It’s like walking down an aisle where every cereal box looks the same, except your box costs a little more, and there’s no toy inside.

Pro tip: Stop writing so much about what you do. No one cares. People care about what they can get from what you do. Because, spoiler alert, it’s about them, not you. Write from the reader’s perspective if you want to connect. Otherwise, they’ll drift far, far away from saying “yes” to you.

Example Time: A Better Approach

Let’s imagine you're selling design services for websites. Instead of listing a bunch of fancy-sounding features, try this:

"We build websites that make people want to hit the ‘buy’ button."

Suddenly, your audience gets it. Clear. Simple. Relatable. You’ve told them exactly what they’ll get from you without burying it under layers of corporate-speak.

You’re solving their problem. You’re speaking their language. And that is what gets people to stick around and, more importantly, to take action.

If People Don’t Get You, They’ll Leave

It’s as simple as this: If your audience doesn’t understand you immediately, they won’t hang around to figure it out. They’ll leave. They’ll move on to someone else who does a better job of explaining how they can help.

That means:

Fewer customers will read your stuff.

Even fewer will do what you ask.

Less money will flow into your business.

In short, you’re screwed! (Sorry, not sorry).

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I Have a Business, But I Don’t Have a Website (Or It’s Not Working)

You’ve probably said this before:

“I have a small business.”

And now you need a website, right? Exactly. If you’re not on the internet, you’re like a ghost. Invisible. Floating through search engines like a forgotten relic of the past. Customers aren’t strolling down Main Street looking for your shop anymore. They’re scrolling through Google.

Here’s a scenario. Imagine looking for a plumber. You search “plumber near me” on Google, and the top results all have functional, well-optimized websites. But you don’t. Guess what? Your business doesn’t exist in the eyes of those potential customers. If you’re not where they are looking, you’re out of the game before you even start.

“I have a website.”

But wait, you say, “I already have a website!” Great! But… is it like it’s not even there? No visitors, no leads, no sales? That’s because your website isn’t converting. And you know why? You’re missing the holy trinity:

1. Traffic

2. Sales

3. Revenue

A website without these three pillars is just an online ghost town. You’re paying for the digital real estate, but nobody is stopping by. If you’re not driving traffic, converting sales, and increasing revenue, it’s like owning a store in the middle of the desert. No visitors = no sales = no point.

The Holy Trinity: Traffic, Sales, and Revenue

Let’s get real: having a website is not enough. You need a website that brings in traffic, converts that traffic into sales, and boosts your revenue. So how do you do that?

1. Traffic

SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is the rocket fuel your site needs to show up in Google when people search for services like yours. SEO isn’t a “nice-to-have” anymore — it’s a must-have. Without it, your site is just a glorified business card floating on the web, collecting dust.

Want to know how SEO works? It’s simple: You need to show up in the search results when potential customers are looking for what you offer. And if your site isn’t optimized with the right keywords, guess what? You’re invisible. Ghosted by Google. Customers aren’t just going to stumble upon you — they need to search and find you.

Let’s take social media as an example. Imagine trying to sell your products without ever mentioning them on Instagram or Facebook. You wouldn’t, right? The same principle applies to SEO. If you’re not optimizing for the things people are searching for, you’re out of the conversation.

2. Sales

Okay, so someone lands on your website. Now what? You need to hook them. Your copy should speak directly to their needs, fears, and desires. You need to be the solution to their problem — and fast.

Think of it like this: When you walk into a store, you don’t want to search for hours to find the checkout. You want a clear path. It’s the same online. If visitors can’t figure out how to navigate your site or what to do next, they’ll leave faster than you can say “bye-bye, sale!”

3. Revenue

This is the end goal, right? More traffic + better conversion = more revenue. A website is your 24/7 salesperson. It never sleeps, never takes a day off, and never asks for a raise. If your website isn’t generating sales and contributing to your bottom line, it’s time for a rethink.

Imagine this: You’re at a fair, and your stand is buried in the back, far away from the foot traffic. Even if you have the best products, no one will find you. The same goes for your website. If you’re not converting the visitors you get, it’s like standing in the back of that fair, hoping someone will stumble upon you. Not going to happen.

Why Aren’t People Converting on Your Website?

Let’s cut to the chase: If your website isn’t working for you, something’s off. Here’s what most businesses get wrong:

1. Copy That Doesn’t Speak to Customers

If your website sounds like a robot wrote it, you’re in trouble. Talking too much about yourself? Jargon-filled nonsense? Yeah, customers aren’t into that. They’re thinking, “What’s in it for me?” If your site doesn’t answer that question in the first few seconds, they’re gone.

Here’s a tip: Don’t just talk about features. Focus on benefits. What will your product or service actually do for your customers? That’s what they care about. And that’s what will keep them reading.

2. Poor User Experience (UX)

Your site needs to be as smooth as butter. Easy to navigate, mobile-friendly (because everyone’s on their phones), and designed with the user in mind. If your site is hard to use, your potential customers will leave faster than a cat when it hears a vacuum cleaner.

True story: Imagine you’re shopping online for a gift. You find the perfect item, but the checkout process is confusing, and the page won’t load. Frustrating, right? That’s exactly how your visitors feel when your website isn’t user-friendly. And they’ll leave. Fast.

3. Lack of Clear Calls to Action (CTAs)

Every single page should have a clear call to action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, buying your product, or scheduling a consultation, don’t leave visitors guessing. Tell them exactly what to do next. Make it clear, easy, and compelling.

Let’s face it: If your website is a maze with no exit signs, people are going to get lost. And no one likes being lost, especially online. You’ve got to make your CTA buttons big, bold, and obvious. Think neon signs at the Vegas Strip — not a tiny little “click here” link buried at the bottom of the page.

“I Need Better SEO, Better Copy, and a Whole Lot More...”

Relax. You’ve come to the right place. Here’s how we’ll fix this:

Better Copy: I’ll write your story so clearly and persuasively that people will get it instantly. They’ll trust you. They’ll want to work with you. And most importantly, they’ll take action.

SEO Optimization: We’ll make sure your website shows up where it counts—at the top of search results. More search visibility = more traffic = more sales.

Design that Converts: Your website will look great, but more importantly, it will be designed to convert. I’ll guide your visitors smoothly from curious readers to loyal customers.

Why Should You Trust Me with Your Project?

Because what you’re doing now isn’t working. Someone you trust referred me. You’re nodding along as you read this thinking, “Yeah, this guy gets it.”

I’m conversational, casual, yet professional. And brother, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to pay. No risk for you. But let’s be real — you’ll want to pay, because you’ll have earned more.

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"What’s required of us when working together?"

From me...

I show & share progress daily.

From you...

You trust the process.

From me...

I stay on track with the project.

From you...

You never go dark.

From me...

I always respond promptly.

From you...

You respond promptly to emails.

From me...

I'll be absolutely straight with you.

And you...

You ask when confused so I can clarify instantly.

All reasonable stuff, right? So glad you asked.

“What’re your values?”

I love answering this. Because I have a great answer...

Be clear. Be real. Be bold.

Create strong.

I won't just create a home page for you. I'll create a home page that will be the best salesperson for your business.

How's that for clear, real and bold?

My man!

We have a deal brother. Shake on it!

Filming shakehand GIF

All this reading wasn’t for nothing.

Hit it, and we'll talk later!

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More proof!

For specific questions about your business, the email is at the bottom.

I guarantee a response.

Relax, this is on the house!
